We have been facilitating workshops since 2008, we are a non profit community based organisation devoted to energizing and sharing our knowledge of drum circle facilitating with the public. Our vision is to connect with people and create music in a fun way which gets everyone involved.
We work with all ages and everyone can benefit from the sound healing that occurs from within the drum circle;
from pre-natal groups to pre-schoolers, primary schools to home educating communities, youthclubs to Universities as well as Community centres and Nursing homes. We are currently also working in Refugee Groups, Prisons, Hospitals and Special schools.

Sarita Colonia Prison
Creating Community within the Drum Circle
A Drum Circle is a circle of drums where anyone can come and join in, the main focus is on creating a safe space where anyone can play rhythms and experiment with sound. There is a drum circle leader who directs the group by giving visual cues to creating a pace, rhythm, give call and response commands as well as stop and start cues. The participants within the circle are given the freedom to experiment with there own creative music making but are also aware of the facilitators signs.The circle builds trust and community through fun and sound.