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AWARDED by the ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND, National Lottery Fund (2019), funding to develop my new project named "Drumming the World".  This will be a series of workshops in the Surrey area. ( May 2019-September 2019).









To give an opportunity to children and adults that cannot afford to get into music or don’t get the opportunity to do this often, as well as to benefit SEND children and adults in Mental Health.

Participants will also learn traditional rhythms and technique to play drums from around the world (Africa,South America and Asia) from teachers from these parts of the world.


PROJECT also funded by: Surrey County Council, Mole Valley District Council and APOW.


Surrey County Council


Working with the:

- Up! Orchestra (Orchestra of Unlimited Potential),  

- Schools and Special schools within the Surrey area, 

- Tutor for I Speak Music Orchestra  (Refugee, newly arrived Asylum Seekers and British citizens) including a Performance for Refugee Week, HG Wells, Woking (18th June).


Mole Valley Council

Working with an Adult group with Mental Health issues.


APOW (Amazing People of the World)

Working with a Refugee group and newly arrived Asylum Seekers. 



UPCOMING FESTIVALS were my Project will benefit bigger audiences:


Party in the Park Festival, Woking

Drumming Performances by the session members

6th of July  

(mentioned in programme as SunDrum Drumming Circles)


Tribe of Doris Festival, Leicestershire

Drum circles,Afro Peruvian rhythms and dance

10th August 



UPCOMING Workshops:


Dates TBC

British Red Cross Young Refugee Service


Challengers Charity (play and leisure opportunities for children and young people with disabilities)


West Hill School, Leatherhead (Special School)


Kinsgley Primary Academy (School with high levels of need, Croydon)





12th-14th July

Wonder Fields Festival, Devon

Drum circles for children


30th of July

Workshops in Oxted for children Summer holidays


19th-30th August

SUNDRUM Forest School Sessions


23rd of August

Workshops in Runnymede Borough Council ( funded by a local organisation and offered free of charge to young people in the borough who may not otherwise afford to go on these holiday activities).





9th April

Challengers, Stoke Park, Guildford


19th April

Gary Mason Charity, 10-1pm – Easter Egg Hunt, Rotary Carshalton Park, Surrey


26th April

Music in Hospitals and Care, 11 am - The Tower Project, London

Music in Hospitals and Care, 2pm  - Salvesen House, London


28th March

Drumming circle with cajones and djembes at Sarita Colonia Prison, Callao,Peru



Currently developing ongoing work with:  

                                         I Speak Music (Refugee project) 

                                         Up! Orchestra of Unlimited Potential (with children and young people with SEND)

                                         Surrey Arts Council

                                         Music in Hospitals and Care (Charity)   

                                         Various Primary schools in the Surrey area


Previous Work includes Community events at various location throughout the UK.  

Festivals: WOMAD,Tribe of Doris, Starry skies, Fieldview festival, Shambala.    


 PAST WORKSHOPS in 2018                  

DECEMBER: - Trained teachers "Drum Circle techniques" at Arte para Crecer cultural centre, Miraflores, Peru

                      - Drum circles at State Secondary school Miricharo, Pichanaki, Junin, impoverished area of the jungle          

                      region of Peru 

                      - El Pez en la Luna, Drum circle, Miraflores, Peru



                     - Running the Mighty Adventurers Drum Recycling workshops and Performance, Virginia Water

                     - Workshops for young people at Surrey Young Carers, Addleston, Surrey


OCTOBER:  - Drum Circle for Arts Partnership Surrey officials, Guildford with the aim to get funding for my

                     Arts Council England Project. Result: Successfully able too secure funding from Mole Valley District Council

                    - Trained Drum Circle techniques to teachers at the SEND Networking Session, Guildford

                    - Teaching activities, ice breakers and rhythm to Refugees at Brooklands College, Weybridge



                     -Ted X Frensham, performing with the I Speak Music Community Orchestra, Surrey

                     - The Tower Project, Canary Wharf, London 

                     - The RNIB Sunshine House School, Northwood


AUGUST:     - Afro Peruvian Drum Circle, Tribe of Doris, Leicestershire

                     - Drum Circle at The Children's Trust, Tadworth


JULY:           - Outdoors Drum Circle at Whipps Cross Hospital, Walhamstow -70th NHS Anniversary!!

                     - Up! Orchestra concert, Brooklands Museum, Walton on Thames, Surrey

                     - Drum Circle at Banstead Infant School

                     - Drum Circle with Surrey Arts at The Abbey School, Farnham


JUNE:           - "I Speak Music" Community Orchestra performance at Refugee week, Woking

                     - Drum Circle at The Children's Trust, Tadworth

                     - Drum Circle at Banstead Infants school, Surrey


MAY:            - Drum Circle and performance at the Tate Exchange in the Tate Modern gallery, London

                     ... what a weekend of music making capturing the vibrations of many drumming hands!


APRIL:          - Rhythm 2 Recovery Training, Leatherhead

                     - The Children's Trust, Tadworth


MARCH:       - Princess Royal University Hospital


FEBRUARY: - Drum Circle at the Vale Primary, Ashton Vale
                     - Drum Circle at West Hill (Special School), Leatherhead         




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Drumming is my passion.

I love to share my knowledge with others in dynamic and engaging ways.

Having lived between Latin America and the UK, it has opened my eyes to two very diverse and rich cultures.I have played percussion & drum kit for over 20 years and been facilitating drum circles for over 10 years. It is such a joy to share rhythm through Drum Circle events which bring about the dynamic interaction of musical and personal relationships.



T: 07985357758


© UK, 2019

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